The CIO Alternative Investments Summit hosted by the Wharton Private Equity & Venture Capital Alumni Association (WPEVCAA) and the Kellogg Finance Network (KFN) has assembled some of the most influential and leading minds in this industry for high-level discussions of the most critical issues confronting money managers and investment officers. Together these leading institutions will host the 12th annual CIO Summit Wednesday, November
29, 2023 at the New York Athletic Club.
The CIO Summit has been a sell-out event each year to an audience composed of 250+ senior level investment decision makers from institutional LPs including endowments, foundations, single/multi- family offices, corporate and public pensions, and insurance as well as private equity, hedge fund and fund-of-fund investors. The audience will remain highly targeted to include just LPs and GPs, and a relatively even split between the two.
The event will offer candid, investor-only conversations and a fascinating speaker line-up with many more names to be added. Attendees can expect a combination of keynote addresses / fireside chats, CIO plenary panels, concurrent breakout sessions and ample networking.
The full day ticket for the CIO Summit is now sold-out. We are offering afternoon-only tickets beginning after lunch.

8:15 AM
9:00 AM
9:15 AM
Insights from CIOs: Steering the Investment Landscape
Leena Bhutta, Chief Investment Officer, Doris Duke Foundation
Amy Chen, Chief Investment Officer, Smithsonian Institution
Vishnu Srinivasan, W'00, VP & Chief Investment Officer, The Ohio State University
Shawn Wischmeier, KSM'02, Chief Investment Officer, Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (Moderator)
Leena Bhutta |
Amy Chen |
Vishnu Srinivasan |
Shawn Wischmeier |
10:00 AM
FIRESIDE CHAT: "Evolution and Opportunity in Private Debt"
James Keenan, CFA, Chief Investment Officer and Global Head of Private Debt, BlackRock interviewed by Jon Pliner (C'04), Head of Delegated Portfolio Management - US, WTW
10:45 AM
11:15 AM
FIRESIDE CHAT: Catherine D. Wood, Chief Executive Officer / Chief Investment Officer, ARK Invest interviewed by Michael Kopelman, Venture Advisor, Armory Square Ventures (C'97, WG'05) |
Cathie Wood
Michael Kopelman
12:15 PM
1:15 PM
Trends and Opportunities in Private Credit
Benji Guilford, WG'20, Managing Director, Blackstone
Chris Semple, Partner, US Credit, Crestline Investors, Inc.
Adam Sklar, Co-Portfolio Manager and Senior Investment Professional, Monarch Alternative Capital
Dave Trucano, Managing Director & Head of Opportunistic Credit, BlackRock
Brian O'Neil, former CIO, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Moderator)
Benji Guilford |
Chris Semple
Adam Sklar |
Dave Trucano
Brian O'Neil |
Venture Capital Outlook
Doug Coyle, KSM'95, Deputy CIO, Rockefeller Foundation
Doug MacBean, Depute CIO, Caltech
Ya Tung, CIO, Jefferies Family Office
Amish Jani, Founder & Partner, FirstMark (W’99, WG’00) (Moderator)
Doug Coyle
Amish Jani |
Doug MacBean
Ya Tung
2:00 PM
2:15 PM
FIRESIDE CHAT: Rick Slocum, Chief Investment Officer, Harvard Management Company (W'80/WG'85) interviewed by Joshua Kushner, Founder & Managing Partner, Thrive Capital
Rick Slocum
Joshua Kushner
3:00 PM
3:15 PM
FIRESIDE CHAT: "What Makes a Great GP"
Michael D. Rees, Co-President and Head of GP Strategic Capital, Blue Owl Capital interviewed by Saul Goodman, Senior Managing Director and Head of Alternative Asset Management Group, Evercore
Michael Rees
Saul Goodman
4:00 PM
CIO Perspectives: Navigating Geopolitical and Macroeconomic Changes
Peter Ammon, Chief Investment Officer, University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Hewitt, Chief Investment Officer and Senior Vice President, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
James Smigiel, Chief Investment Officer, SEI
Nicholas Warren, CIO, Glenmede (CAS '96)
Ziad Sarkis, Director of Financial Research, Harris Family Alternative Investments Program, The Wharton School (WG'16) (Moderator)
Peter Ammon |
Elizabeth Hewitt |
James Smigiel |
Nicholas Warren |
Ziad Sarkis |
4:45 PM
Several important factors distinguish the CIO Summit from other conferences:
- Focused on bringing LPs and GPs thought-provoking content and ideas in an intimate, engaging environment;
- An invitation only, peer setting of senior level alternative investors;
- Closed to the media to encourage candid discussion;
- Hosted by two top-tier university-based organizations, but open to alumni of all schools
Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Time: 8:15 AM - 6:00 PM ET
Location: New York Athletic Club, 180 Central Park S, New York, NY 10019
The full day ticket for the CIO Summit is now sold-out. We are offering afternoon-only tickets beginning after lunch and the closing cocktail reception is included.

Open only to institutionally sized GPs/LPs.
LP scholarships available, with priority given to not-for-profit pensions, foundations, and endowments. Email requests for your complimentary LP ticket to Jennifer Simons,